unit-llnd chapter-4 HTML 2nd
Topics Covered
- Linking
- Types of linking
- Significance of linking
- Sending email from browser
Linking is the strongest feature in html that link text or image to another document or section of a document.
A browser highlights the identified text on images with color or underline it to indicate that it is a hypertext link (hyperlink or link).
HYPERLINK: A link that navigate us from a hyper text file to another document, file or location is i known as hyperlink.
HTML's single hypertext related tag is <A>, Which stands for anchor.
- <A href="https:/en.Wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia" Status</A>
- <a href="main .html">Mainpage<A>
- internal Linking
- External Linking
INTERNAL LINKING: The linking that links various sections of same document is known as internal linking.
- When we click on a hyperlink, a different section of the same document becomes visible in the browser window.
- When wo click on a hyperlink ,a new document gets opened.
- A hyperlink is created by using <A> tag and its attribute href.
- It is used to specify the URL of the target link.
- A simple <A tag is &A href ="https://med.libretexts.org/Courses/">Medlicine<A>
- A complex one is
The TITLE attribute
It lets you to specify a title for' the document to Which you are linking.
It is useful for referencing an otherwise in labeled resource such as an image or a non-HTML document.
<A href="pics/ics/funits.gif title ="A photograph of a fruit.">
- In this also, we can use <A> tag to create hyperlink.
- Creating a link within the same HTML document or to a specific fragment of another document is a two-step process.
- First step -make the target fragment
- Second step- to create the link to the fragment
- We can use the A> tag with it's name or id attribute to identify a fragment that can be used later for setting hyperlinks.
- The name or id attribute defines a name/identity for a fragment of a document later on internal linking is facilitated using these defined names/ids
To set name to a section
*A name = "Segment1"> Segment1</A>
To set a link to the named section
*A href= "#Segment1> Link to Segment1</A>
Significance of Linking
- It makes the user able to go to any of the desired documents i with just a click
- The webpage writers don't have to create a large document i having all the information of other documents
- It helps in accessing a website easily in a quick manner.
- It helps in creating documents that can be managed easily.
MAILTO function is supported by many browsers as it is a convenient way to allow. other users to communicate with us via email.
MAILTO is called using an anchor, just like standard links to other documents using href attribute.
When a MAILTO capable browser sees the tag, it spawns a separate email form that the user may fill out. The form is then sent to the email address specified in the link.
Send your comments to <A href = mailto:pace123@hotmail.com?
SUBIECT = 'Sent from ABC">pace123@hotmail.com</A>
- Tables in HTML allow us to arrange data into rows and columns of cells.
- A table can store the short and long description of data giveni through CAPTION and SUMMARY attribute.
- Tables are useful for the general display of tabular data.
Elements in HTML
Tables have five core tags: i
<table> tag : wraps up a table and its document's body
<tr> tag : defines a table row <th> tag : defines the table headers i
<td> tag : defines the table data cells v<caption> tag : defines title or caption for the table
We can also use <tbody>, <thead>, <tfoot> tags to define and i control whole sections of tables.
The TABLE tag begins the process of building a table.
Attributes: Table's border-BORDERatribute <TABLE BORDER=4
Border's Color-BORDERCOLOR attribute
Displayingselect bordersides-FRAME attribute <TABLE FRAME-"hsides
Frame attributes:
Above- displays topedge only Below-displays bottom edge only
Border- displays all four sides (default)
x-displaysall four sides (ike border)
ides- displays topand bottom edges
s-displays left edge only
is- displays rightedge only id-displays no borderه
vsides- displays left and right edges
Display select inside border -RULES attribute <TABLE RULES "rows"
Rules attributes
All- displays all borders
Cols- displays borders between cells
Groups displays borders between all cell groups None -hides all interior borders
Rows- displays borders between rows only
*Controlling Cell spacing-CELLSPACING & CELLPADDING attributes
<TABLE BORDER="3" CELLSPACING="1" CELLPADDING="1"> Cell padding means giving the space between the cell border and the cell contents.
Cell spacing means giving the space between the cells.
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table contents - ALIGN attribute
ABLE BORDER-3" Aligna"centers