

  1. Introduction
  2. Communication
  3. methods of communication
  4. Types of communication
  5.  Advantages and disadvantages of verbal communication 
  6. Advantages and disadvantages of non-verbal communication


  • A thorough knowledge of language with communication skills is very important in any occupation or business.
  • As a student, you may study any language, but it is important that you are able to read, write, speak and listen well in order to communicate properly.
  • Speaking more than one language can help you to communicate well with people around the world.
  • Learning English can help you to communicate with people who understand English besides the mother tongue ie. the language one has been exposed to since birth.


  • The word 'communication ' comes from the Latin word commünicäre meaning 'to share '.
  • The most important life skill is to communicate effectively.
  • Communication skills are needed to communicate effectively with people and customers.
  • Clear and concise communication is of immense importance in work and business environment as there are several parties involved .
  • Various stakeholders, like, customers, employees, vendors, media, etc, are always sending important information to each other.

Communication has three important parts.

1.Transmitting-The sender transmits the message through one medium or another.

2. Listening-The receiver listens or understands the message.

3. Feedback-The receiver conveys their understanding of the message to the sender in the form of feedback to complete the communication cycle.


Customer (to a retail associate): Do you have the textbook of

Beauty Therapist, published by National Council of Educational

Research and Training?

Salesperson: Let me check.

(after sometime)

Salesperson: Yes, we have the textbook of Beauty Therapist.

Customer: Please give me one copy of the textbook. I want to

purchase it.

The process of conveying a message is complete only when the person receiving it has understood the message in its entirety.


The various elements of a communication cycle are: 

> Sender: the person beginning the communication.
> Message: the information that the sender wants to convey.
>Channel: the means by which the information is sent.
> Receiver: the person to whom the message is sent.
>Feedback: the receiver's acknowledgement and response to the message.

We are constantly use some form of communication or another to send a message across.

Without the different methods of communication available today, it would be challenging to carry out business as proficiently as it is done today and with the same swiftness.


Face-to-face informal communication

            There is nothing better than face-to-face) communication. It helps the message to be understood clearly and quickly. Also, since body language can be seen in this case;
it adds to the effectiveness of the communication.

E-mail can be used to communicate quickly with one or many individuals in various locations. It offers flexibility, convenience and low-cost.


It is effective when the same message has to go out to a large group of people. Generally used for where emall communication may not be effective. For example, 'Change in the lunch time for factory worker, or 'XYZ Clothing will remain closed for customers on Sunday'.

Business meetings

Communication during business meetings at an organization are generally addressed to a group of people. It can be related to business, management and organizational decisions.

Other methods

There can be various other methods like social networks, message, phone call for communication, newsletter, blog, etc.





  • Verbal communication includes sounds, words, language, and speech.
  • Speaking is one of the most effective and commonly used way of communicating.
  • It helps in expressing our emotions in words.                                                                  
  • Verbal/Oral communication is that style of communication where mostly you interact with others through spoken words.

Types of verbal communication

Interpersonal Communication

This form of communication takes place between two individuals and is thus a one-on-one conversation. It can be formal or informal.


  1. A manager discussing the performance with an employee.
  2. Two friends discussing homework. 
  3. Two people talking to each other over phone or video call.

Written Communication

This form of communication involves writing words. It can be letters, circulars, reports, manuals, SMS, social media chats, etc. It can be between two or more people.


1.A manager writing an appreciation e-mail to an employee.
2. Writing a letter to grandmother enguiring about health.

2. Writing a letter to grandmother enquiring about health.

Small Group Communication

This type of communication takes place when there are more than two people involved. Each participant can interact and converse with the rest.

  1. Press conferences 
  2.  Board meetings
  3. Team meetings

Public Communication

This type of communication takes place when one Individual addresses a large gathering.


1. Election campaigns
2. Public speeches by dignitaries

Advantages of verbal communication

>It saves time in communication.

> It is quick in obtaining feedback once delivered.

>It provides complete understanding of communication delivered and there is chance to make it more clear in case of doubts in interpretation of words or ideas.

> It is more reliable method of communication.

> It is flexible and effective for all.

> It is powerful means of persuation and control.

> It is cheaper way of communication and hence saves money.

Disadvantages of verbal communication

>>Emotions are visible and hence leads to trouble in certain cases.

>>It has no legal validity and hence will lead to problems in certain situations.

>>It does not provide permanent record unless it is recorded with modern means of storage.

>>It has issues when communicating with distant people.

>>It is difficult for certain people to understand speech due to various speech tones used in verbal communication.

>>This form of communication is not suitable for lengthy message.

>>There is chance of leak of secret information with the help of modern devices such as polygraph or lie detector. Often secret information can be obtained while the person is under the influence of alcohol.

Mastering verbal communication

Think before you speak Think about your topic.

  • Think about your topic
  • Think about the most effective ways to make your listeners understand the topic.
  • Write and note down whatever you plan to say.

Concise and clear

  • Speak clearly, loudly and at moderate speed.
  • Be sure the information you want to share is to the point.
  • Do not repeat the same sentences.
Confidence and body language 
  • Be confident.
  • Maintain eye contact, stand straight and be attentive.
  • Be friendly.

Non-Verbal Communication

Non-verbal communication is the expression or exchange of information or messages without using any spoken or written word.

In other words, we send signals and messages to others, through expressions, gestures, postures, touch, space, eye contact and para language.


In our day-to-day life communication

  • 55% communication is done using body movements, face,arms, etc.
  • 38% communication is done using voice, tone, pauses, etc.
  • only 7% communication is done using words.
  • Around 93% of our communication is non-verbal.

Types of non-verbal communication

Facial Expressions

Our expressions can show different feelings, such as Happiness, Sadness, Anger, Surprise, Fear, etc.

How to use effectively?

  1. Smile when you meet someone. 
  2. Keep your face relaxed.
  3.  Match your expressions with your words.
  4.  Nod while listening.


Postures show our confidence and feelings. For example, a straight body posture shows confidence while a slumped posture is a sign of weakness.

How to use effectively?

  1.  Keep your shoulders straight and body relaxed.
  2. Sit straight while resting your hands and feet in relaxed position.
  3. While standing, keep your hands by your sides.

Gestures or body language

Gestures include body moyements that express an idea or meaning. For example, raising a hand in class to ask a question and biting nails when nervous.

How to use effectively?

  1. Keep your hands open. 
  2. Avoid pointing your finger at people.
  3. Tilt your head a bit to show that you are attentive.


We communicate a great deal through touch. For example, a firm handshake to display confidence and pat on the back to encourage someone,

How to use effectively?

1. Shake hands firmly while meeting someone.
2.Avoid other touch gestures during formal communication.


Space is the physical distance between two people. The space between tow persons while communicating, generally depends on the intimacy or closeness between them.

How to use effectively?

1. Maintain proper space depending on the relationship, which could be formal or informal or the closeness with the person with whom you are talking.

Eye Contact

The way we look at someone can communicate a lot. Eve contact shows that we are paying attention to the person as opposed to looking away, which can make the other person feel ignored,

How to use effectively?

  1.  Look directly at the person who is speaking. 
  2. Avoid staring: keepa relaxed look. 
  3. Maintain eye contact with intermittent breaks.
Para Language

How we speak affects our communication and includes the tone, speed and volume of our voice. For example, talking fast may show happiness, excitement or nervousness while speaking slow may show seriousness or sadness.

How to use effectively?

1. Use a suitable tone and volume
2.Maintain a moderate speed while talking

Advantages of non-verbal communication

>It makes demonstration very useful using noticeable nonverbal cues like gestures, body language etc.
> It easily conveys where verbal is unable to reach. Example, where there is too much noise in the class, just a gesture of keeping the finger on the mouth conveys that the teacher is asking to keep quiet.

>Non-verbal messages are picked by all, even if there is no common language. There is no language barrier.

> It conveys the message very fast. The receivers easily interpret the cues without any barrier of common region, language, qualification and so forth.

Disadvantages of non-verbal communication

>It suits for smaller conversations or small messages. It is not possible to have lengthy conversations or detailed discussion in a non-verbal manner.

>It falls short of communicating details and it becomes hard to understand the full message if it is not supported by other forms of communication

>If the message does not get across, the receiver may misinterpret the message in the absence of details.

>Every culture has different gestures and expressions that are considered good or bad. Such differences may ruin the communication and it may completely be misinterpreted.



  • Visual Communication Advantages of visual communication
  • Disadvantages of visual communication
  • Communication cycle and feedback
  • Types of feedback
  • Good feedback
  • Importance of feedback
  • Effective communication
  • Barriers to effective communication Ways to overcome barriers


Visual communication proves to be effective since it involves interchanging messages only through images or pictures and therefore, you do not need to know any particular language for
understanding it.
It is simple and remains consistent across different places.
Some common types of visual communication are:

>  no parking
>  under constructed
>  Danger warn
> Radiation/biohazard warning
>   Under CCTV surveillance
>  No mobile phone

Advantages of Visual Communication

It makes other forms of communication more clear and more understandable.

It can explain things in the way which are not possible through words.

It clears the barrier of qualification or language.

It helps in making quick decision and prevents wastage of time.

Everyone can explain its meaning to others very easily.

It is effective even for illiterate receiver.

Disadvantages of Visual Communication

It is comparatively expensive medium of communication.

It require a specific way to store them so that they can be kept safe and used whenever required.

Preparation of visual aids consumes time.

Visual aids enhance communication, but they are not a full form of communication. They require some other forms of communication to deliver the message.

Sometimes visual presentation of information becomes complex. The receivers cannot understand the meaning of the presentation.


  • Feedback is an important part of the communication cycle.
  • For effective communication, it is important that the sender receives an acknowledgement from the receiver about getting the message across.
  • While a sender sends information, the receiver provides feedback on the received message.
  • In a work environment, when you observe someone perform their work and then, communicate with them to help improve their performances, you are giving feedback.
  • Feedback, if shared properly, can help reinforce existing strengths and can increase the recipient's abilities to rectify errors.
  • It can have a long-term effect in managing and achieving goals.



It is the kind of feedback which is more or less acceptable or satisfactory to the sender

It means that the recipient of the message has responded in the wav intended by the sender and taken the intended course of action.

It signifies that everything is on the right track and no corrective measure regarding communication is necessary.


I noticed you finished the work perfectly. Great job really appreciate you taking that call. Can you please also share the details?


It suggests that the communication has not been. effective and some correction, adjustment or 
re-assessment is required in the process,

It takes place, if the recipient does not understand what the sender wants to convey, the feedback must be poor and further communication becomes necessary to wipe out the misunderstanding.


  • You keep forgetting to smile at the hotel guests when you talk to them
  • You take really long to reply to e-mails! Are you always so busy?


It is also a feedback in itself which indicates disagreement of ideas.


A good feedback is one that is:

Specific: Avoid general comments. Try to include examples to clarify your statement. Offering alternatives rather than just giving advice allows the receiver to decide what to do with your feedback.

> Timely: Being prompt is the key, since feedback loses its impact if delayed for too long.

> Polite: While it is important to share feedback, the recipient should not feel offended by the language of the feedback.

> Offering continuing support: Feedback sharing should be a continuous process. After offering feedback, let recipients know you are available for support


Feedback is important as it ensures the success and effectiveness of communication.


It validates effective listening: The person providing the feedback knows they have been understood (or received) and that their feedback provides some value

It motivates: Feedback can motivate people to build better work relationships and continue the good work that is being appreciated.

It is always there: Every time you speak to a person, we communicate feedback so it is impossible not to provide one.
It boosts learning: Feedback is important to remain focused on goals, plan better and develop improved products and services.

It improves performance: Feedback can help to form better decisions to improve and increase performance.


Effective communication is essential in every aspect of our life, whether it be at home, at work or with our friends.

The basic principles of professional/effective communication skills are based on 7 Cs. They are:

  1. Clear: Be clear about what you want to say.
  2. Concise: Use simple words (say only what is needed) 
  3. Concrete: Use exact words and facts i.e. specific, meaningful and clear.
  4. Correct: Use correct spelling, punctuation and grammar.
  5. Coherent:Words should make sense and relate to the main topic.
  6. Complete: Include all the needed information,
  7. Courteous: Be respectful, friendly and honest.


Linguistic Barriers:

The inability to communicate using a language is. known as language barrier to communication.

Language barriers are the most common communication barriers, which cause misunderstandings and misinterpretations between people.

For example:slang professional jargon and regional colloquialisms can make communication difficult.

Cultural Barriers:

Cultural barriers is when people of different cultures are unable to understand each other's customs, resulting in inconveniences and difficulties.

People sometimes make stereotypical assumptions about others based on their cultural background, this leads to difference in opinions and can be a major barrier to effective communication.

Physical Barriers:

Physical barrier is the environmental and natural condition that act as a barrier in communication in sending message from sender to receiver.

Not being able to see gestures, posture and general body language can make communication less effective.

For example: text messages are often less effective than face-to -face communication

Interpersonal Barriers:

Barriers to interpersonal communication occur when the sender's message is received differently from how it was intended

It is also very difficult to communicate with someone who is not willing to talk or express their feelings and views.

Stage fear, lack of will to communicate, personal differences can create interpersonal barriers to communication

Organisational Barriers:

Organisations are designed on the basis of formal hierarchical structures that follow performance standards, rules and regulations, procedures, policies, behavioural norms, etc.

All these affect the free flow of communication in organisations and therefore, need to be suitably managed.

Superior-subordinate relationships in a formal organisational structure can be a barrier to free flow of communication.

Also, sometimes due to the stringent rules, the employees find it difficult to communicate with their peers too.


  • Use simple language
  • Do not form assumptions on culture, religion or geography
  • Try to communicate in person as much as possible
  • Use visuals
  • Take help of a translator to overcome differences in language
  • Be respectful of other's opinions
  • Be a good listener
  • Ensure proper feedback
  • Clarify ideas before communication



  1. Writing skills
  2. Capitalisation
  3. Punctuation
  4. Basic parts of speech
  5. Supporting parts of speech
  6. Parts of a sentence
  7. Types of objects
  8. Types of sentences
  9. Paragraph


Writing skills are part of (verbal communication and include emails, letters, notes, articles, SMS/chat, blogs, etc.

In all these forms of written communication, we use sentences to express ourselves.

Sentences are important because they help to clearly present the message.

SENTENCE is a group of words that communicates a complete thought,. For example: Pooja goes to school.

PHRASE is a group of words, which does not make complete sense.

For example:Pooja goes.

A sentence always begins with a capital letter, and it always ends with a question mark, full stop or exclamation mark.


All sentences begin with capital letters.

However, there are certain other points in a sentence where we should use capital letters.

"TINS" is a set of simple rules that help you capitalize words correctly

  • T-Titles
  • I- word 'I'
  • N- Names
  • S-Starting letter of sentence


Words (naming words) that refer to a person, place, thing or idea such as tiger, India, Rahul, January etc.
Example: Kavita bought a book.

Words used in place of a noun such as  You, he. she, thev etc.
Example: Kavita bought a book. She has a great book collection.

Words that describe other words such as weak, large etc
Example: Kavita bought a best-selling book.

Words that show action such as run, eat, think, sit etc
Example: Kavita buys a new book every month.

Words that add meaning to verbs by answering How? How often?
When? and Where? Such as easily, always, before, fast etc.
Example: Kavita quickly read her book.



Generally used before nouns.
  • An-used before words with a vowel sound
  • A-used before nouns with a consonant sound
  • The-Refers to specific or particular words
  • Example: The boy was taken by surprise because he saw a bird flying over his head.

Joins two nouns, phrases or sentences.
Example: Sugam and Ojas attended the seminar.


Connects one word with another to usually answer the questions where' 'when' and 'how.

Example: It is shady under the trees.


Expresses strong emotions, such as happiness, surprise, anger or pain.
Example: Hurray! We won the award.

Types of Objects

There are two types of objects-Direct and Indirect.

A direct ohject answers the question of who(m) or what.

Example: Alice caught the baseball.

An indirect object answers the question of to whom, for whom, or for what

Example: Max pitched Alice the baseball.

Example that have both direct and indirect object.

She bought a bicycle (direct) for her son (indirect).

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